
5.1 Dates of Regattas. A series of regattas is normally held in July and August and a pick-up regatta is arranged on the second Bank Holiday Monday in May. The Committee shall decide the dates for the year’s regattas and shall notify all members before the end of April. The committee should also nominate alternative dates for Championship or Cup races if racing is cancelled or seriously disrupted by the weather. This will normally be the following day. Any decision to suspend andfor re-schedule racing shall be taken by the ‘Commodore of the Day’ only after consultation with all other committee members present.

5.2 Delegation of Responsibility. For each regatta, including Championship or Cup Races, the Commodore shall appoint a ‘Commodore of the Day’ whose decision on all sailing matters shall be final. His responsibilities shall include the selection of the starting bank, the position of the course marks for beat and run races and the start and finish lines for point?to?point races. It should be normal for all races to start with a beat, but the starting bank will not normally be changed to suit small variations in the direction of the wind.

5.3 Other Officials. The ‘Commodore of the Day’ shall nominate other officials such as a starter and windward bank adjudicator to assist him. If anyone sees an infringement of the rules they should report this to the Commodore of the Day who will take appropriate action.

5.4 Entries for Races. It is generally necessary to enter boats several days before a regatta to enable the draw to be made for races and heats and a programme drawn up. The Commodore of the Day will be responsible for these arrangements.

5.5 Number of Entries.

  • Under 18 years old. Maximum 4 boats of which only 3 may be cutters.
  • Over 18 years old. Maximum 3 boats of which only 2 may be cutters.
  • Cup Events. Maximum 2 boats per sailor.
  • Pick-up Regattas. At the discretion of the Commodore of the Day, but generally the limits above will apply.

5.6 Entry Fees. Entry fees for Regattas will be determined by the Committee and endorsed at an Annual General Meeting. The fee will generally permit a boat to sail in two races during a regatta.

5.7 Prizes. Vouchers will be awarded to the winners and runners-up (where there are more than four boats in a race) of general races. Vouchers may also be awarded along with trophies to the winners and runners-up of special races. Vouchers may be accumulated and exchanged for prizes, which have traditionally been cutlery or glassware.

5.8 Burgees. Burgees are awarded annually to boats, which qualify according to regulations laid down by the committee. The minimum requirement is that a boat shall win three races. Burgees are also awarded to the winner and runner-up in some Cup and Trophy races.